
It’s never been easier to address pesky skin imperfections; from acne scars to pitted skin. This minimally invasive process is a great tool to utilize to get the look you desire and revitalize your overall appearance.


Dermaplaning offers a natural revitalization of your face by scraping away the surface layers of your face to bring out a more fresh, youthful shine. This process also stimulates your natural production of collagen, leading to organic, self-generating results. Fine lines, wrinkles, and pesky peach fuzz will all be addressed. When it comes to Dermaplaning, many patients are concerned with the idea that their hair will grow back thicker than before.

Thankfully, this is a myth. As a result, it often becomes a routine for patients looking for a regular, scheduled revitalization procedure.

And often patients will have the procedure done just before a chemical peel, for more impactful results. Regardless, Dermaplaning is one of the simplest ways to bring a familiar glow back to your face.


While dermaplaning is now a relatively common and simple practice, questions are natural. Typically, the average patient for a Dermaplaning procedure is:

  • Looking to remove peach fuzz that traps excess oil and dirt
  • Wanting to address age lines and wrinkles without surgery
  • Someone who doesn’t traditionally respond well to chemical procedures
  • Wanting the least invasive procedure to address appearance concerns
  • Pregnant or nursing and wanting to avoid more intensive procedures


Before you begin, the first step is a scheduled consultation with our providers. This is a chance to ask any questions you have. As with any procedure, it’s essential to feel like you know each step. We’re here to guide you through this and know that even when a procedure is common and relatively simple, there are bound to be questions and concerns.


The Dermaplaning procedure is relatively simple. There is no need for any creams, oils or chemicals to be applied beforehand. A special exfoliation blade is used to gently scrape your skin, using light feathery strokes to remove the dull, dead skin cells and peach fuzz gathered on the top layer.

The process is pain-free and short, typically lasting about thirty minutes. From here, you’re able to immediately resume your normal daily activities feeling refreshed and revived.


Perhaps the chief benefit of the Dermaplaning procedure is just how non-invasive it is. While some clients may show some pink blushing in the hours directly following, this fades quickly, leaving only your naturally glowing skin behind. Furthermore, patients are pleased to discover how makeup is applied more smoothly and how skincare products are more easily absorbed following the procedure. Given the ease of the whole experience, many patients choose to schedule a regular Dermaplaning session to continue to reap the rich bounty of the process.

Zeeba Clinic and Medspa Consultation in Cleveland, OH

Are you interested in learning more? We invite you to schedule an appointment with us at Zeeba Clinic and Medspa. When you have a consultation, we’ll talk about your aesthetic goals and help you decide which type of treatment is right for you. Contact us today to get started!